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.Wednesday, February 11, 2009 ' Y
Why Do You Abandon Me ?

had difficulty waking up this morning like i always do .. hahaz .. Lately , has been killing my time on bed but still the same . cant wake up the next morning .. Had a non-stop training yesterday .. and had aches all over my body .. its been one year since i last came for training .. and its tough going back running on the track .. i realised now that my stamina had all drop .. hmm , all because of this addicted candy .. hahaahaa .. This morning , my maid woke me up by shaking and pulling my legs from bed .. and i was damn pissed off .. like i was in the mood of sleeping and she pulled my leg .. damn irritating siaa !! haha .. this is how the scene happened ..

Maid ~ "Sha , bangun sha .. nanti lambat .. daa pukul 6.25 .. ibu daa call .. nanti kene marah nanti" ..

she keep pulling my leg ..

i woke up .. thenn said ...

" Alaaa .. masih siang .. nak tidur laaa" ..

she pulled my leg and shake my whole body ..

Me ~ " Eh , sakit laa babi ! cibai ! "

hahaha .. she's always the victim of all my vulgarities everyday .. hahaha .. too bad for her ..

thenn , had my breakfast and its 7am already . i knew i would be late for school . get off my ciggas frm my bag as there will always be a bag check for latecomers .. thenn , had a slow walk to afghan bustop as usual .. thenn , walked to eastpoint toilet to tie my hair .. thenn , strolled to school .. felt so tired of schooling already .. haizz .. hahaha .. but when i saw Aqilah whom had been my friend since primary three studied hard and made alotta improvements in her studies .. it made me the motivation to be a hardworking girl .. so now , my aim is to study smart and get off that fcuked up school .. its okay , soleha .. just endure for one more year . afta that , PARTAYE TIME ! hahha .. had planned with bestfriend ferra about what we're gonna do after completing our secondary studies .. hahaha .. And for you , Ferra Ferdiana , thnx for always being there for me .. the ups and down we've gone through together .. Youre the bestest friend i could ever wished for .. and ya , you know me inside out too .. Like a sister , enemy , and betest friend for me .. I LOVE YOU , BABE ! better change our attitude ya , before we got kicked out by both cca's .. hahaha ..

Just now , took my ic photo .. and , i loook soooooooo FAT ! argh !! i wanna have another take .. but , kak shikin ; my bro's girlfriend says its just a waste of money .. so i didnt but will consider .. hahaha ..

skipped detention of coming late for school three times in two weeks .. haha .. wow . gonna get ready for double detention tomorrow . but too bad , im working tomorrow . heck care laa .. cant be bothered with detention .. and that stupid physics teacher of mine made me wait for him for like half an hour for my re-test .. end up , i went home .. end up
, heard from the others , it had been cancelled for the second time . like WTH?! hahaha .. nevermind .. still got time to study and score .. and , after all the test i took .. i passed my Principles Of Account Test ! and , its like WOW ! hahaha . i dint cheat kay , people . i do it with all that i knew of taht subjects .. the teacher was damn irritating just now .. he said i was silly laa , playful laa .. whatever shit .. " Go take Art if you're not interested . Simple english to ask u to sit back at your place also dont wanna listen ! "
fuck laa ! i was asking Nabil about the work he asked us to do .. And , he started with all his fcuking craps .. if youre think youre old and cant teach anymore , i suggest , sit at home and take good care of your family because i guess , youre either unfit to teach ! hahaha .. irritating teacher .. hahaha .. did an interesting experiment for chemistry just now .. the process of cyrstillation .. haha .. took some pictures of it .. was fun just now ! played with the equipments with my partner , Min Er .. its like we're always the favourite girls for Mr Chan .. cant behave when it comes to experiments in the lab .. hahah .

bought two books at school as they are putting a sharity sale which cost 0.50 cents for one book .. hahaha .. i got four book now .. and aiming to finish it up before common test .. gonna study hard for my upcoming test ..

chatted with haikhal yesterday and yeah , he told me about someone .. well , i dont quite understand what he really means .. "just relax .. he said he will contact you .. But , when u least expects it " .. hmm , tried to understand but seriously , i dont understand .. nevermind .. anw , its a matter of time for things to get better .. Insya Allah ..

its all about it now .. gotta go ! take care readers :D

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