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.Sunday, March 22, 2009 ' Y
Why Do You Abandon Me ?

You said everything that gave me a surprise on 22 March '09 ..

Three months and it all ended up this way ..
How ignorance and foolish acts that brought us to where we are now ..
Your presence changes my perception of how i look on you .
Yes , I judge you differently .
And , i know you did too .
Im astounded by your sudden change .
You suddenly changed from an old khairi to a khairi that me myself , couldnt understand ..

Im aware that its because of my mistakes .. But , for goodness sake , everybody deserves second chances , right ?

With everyday that passes by , you know I love you more .
Your name must be in my everyday topic . Thousand and more times but ive never been bored ..

Im waiting for something that i dint know exactly will ever come true .
The day you asked me whether you're giving me false hopes , I said no .
Because , i dont want you to feel any guilty or changes love and care that you gave me without fail . Even i knew , it was more than a friend but less than a lover ..

The day you asked me to confessed ..
My heart says it all , but , i cant say it out .. I dint have the guts to do that ..

I miss the times we spent at the swamp ..where i sat with you and you made me feel im with a guy .
You dont know how you really meant to me , right ?
I miss countdown ..

Where i got to lay by your side and accompanied you all night even i took the worst risk ..
I miss the old you ..

That even though , he's busy .. he'll find a time for me even if it takes awhile .

Work , exam , school , the reason why you changed??
Seriously , i find it ridiculous ..
I dint know that the day you send me home was the last time i got the hug that made me feel all secure and leaves a smile before i sleep ..

How we joke , fight or fuss , we spent time ; really made an impact to me .

Im aware that im not that perfect in your eyes . I did things that dissapoint you ..

Yes , im rude . Yes , im a bad girl , Yes , im rough ..

I pierced , i break your trust on me .
I dint listen or respect you as someone older than me .

But , this is me .

I just cant change even after i tried .

Im really sorry , khairi ..

You tore me apart , You break my heart , and you made me feel down ..

The moment you said ..

You still loves your ex ..

How much i thought you did forget about her , it proves nothing .

I knew , memories are memories ..

I admit , i expect the old you ..
You must understand this , from the start that i knew you , i knew that being with you , isnt a good idea and i dint get into it ..

Khairi , just do whats best for you now ..
I know you're enjoying your life that is full of freedom right now ..

I'll try to forget about the memories and everything ive gone through ..
Even , you wont be my everyday topic for me to talk about anymore ..
I'll move on because you asked me to ..

And if thats the best way , i'll go ahead .

You know , I Love You ..
I Love You and I priotize you ..
Guess , its true , sometimes we got to sacrifice something that its hard to let go ..
I was counting on forever , and now i know ..

Im happy if you are . Do whats best for you ..
Thanks for the moments you made me feel all fine ..
I'll always be here if you ever need me..

Don't Leave Me Alone In This Lonely World ;
♥ Missin YOU @ 2:17 AM

My Tears ; My Broken Heart

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