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.Thursday, May 28, 2009 ' Y
Why Do You Abandon Me ?

Sorry for not updating as ive been a busy bee, recently ..
27 May '09
The 3e and 3n's peeps went to Labrador Park .
And yeah , its super boring and tiring ..
We were broke up into two groups which is 3e4A and 3e4B.
I was in 3e4A and im happy to be grouped with
Lyna , Fatin , Imah and Sofia , clonku .
hahahaz ..
Thenn , we had this race ..
Ran up and down the stairs and yeah ,
i guess , ive lose some weights .
hahhaz ..
was sweating profusely till my P.E shirt was all
Hahaz , rabak rabak ..
bla bla bla , and we eventually assimilate
whats about past history in Singapore .
Headed back to school ..
everybody was dismissed ..
I took my lunch and went off home with Tasha ..
Ferra came to my crib and we're off
to our last training before our very big day ..
Meet Tasha under her void deck ..
And her dad sent us to school ..
had training and it was damn hectic ..
i was feeling so lethargic yet enduring just for my day ..
training ended at 7 plus and reached home at 8 plus .
Mum and Dad were all nagging ..
whatever lahh ..
Thenn , had invitation cards and was bewildered
whom to invite ..
bla bla bla , i went to sleep ..
And yeah , i made an achievement ..
I dint eat the whole day of today ..
my stomach was flat ..
i like that! hahahaz ..
ok , thats all for today ..
TO BE CONTINUED................
28 May '09 :D
Today , marked everything that i ever wished .
This was a dream came true ..
I cant believe the fact and thought it would
just be a dream ..
A fantasy for me , just like what ncc babes call me ;
yeah ..
hahahz ..
Im sorry if ive been slacking and made you guys
dissapointed of me ..
I know im in no use , sometimes .
However , this post as being a leader thought me,
more about the task and responsibility that i'll be
pulling through ..
You guys will be my strength , my pillars for me to stand ..
I promise to do my very best through thick and thin ..
I swear ..
This is the biggest reward ive ever received ..
And i perceived , i will make ncc ,
my pride , my everything ...
You guys are the best! Go Charlie !! :D
okay , and so the story goes like this ,
we had training at 2.45 , i mean
rehearsal ..
Final trial , we got changed ..
And im happy that Tasha , Lyna , and Aisyah came ..
My 3 years friends ..
since sec 1 , we're still in the same classs..
I love them so much ..
though sometimes we fight and fuss ..
hahahz ..
My mum and younger sister came down too ..
Im expecting Dad to come ..
But , he's busy with work .
its okay ..
And , im flustered with Faisal ..
As i was really expecting him to come down ..
But thenn , hmm , nevermind .
Im so so dissapointed.......
bla bla bla , thenn , the parade starts ..
Well , i was nervous when my name was called up ..
and it goes like this ,
" Assisting her as Assistant flight sergeant for Part B is ,
Corporal Siti Solehah Bte Abd Kadir .."
And i felt relieved when i dint cocked up in the middle
of the parade ..
Alhamdulillah ..
everything went smoothly ..
Thank god , im really happy today ..
And yeah , im now the Part B Assistant Flight Sergeant ..
i dint even expect this , but alhamdulillah :D
hahahz , thenn went out , chill with friends ..
Mc' Cafe thenn chat craps and jokes ..
Camwhoring and off home ..
Tired now ...
eh eh , i wanna share with you guys something ..
Today is my most Clumsy day ..
Hahahz ..
My Clumsiness today ;
1) tripped infront of alotta people at parade square .
2) accidentally kicked Afiah when i frantically heading to
my seat .
3)My phone rang in the middle of parade square .
4) banged into a hangs for clothes at Tamp 1 ..
5) i was like a deaf idiot ; hahaz
ferra asked me something at banquet and i was like
"huh? huh ? huh?
repeatedly after she asked me one stupid question for 3 times ..
hahahaz ..
were all laughing at Banquet with Tasha too ..
Hahahz ..
giler giler ..
had P.E and it was super fun ..
Played floorball , had hulla hoop competition .
hahahaz .. that was extreme fun larr sey!!
That's about today .
Mum was super nice with me , today .
She said this to me
"Patot lah , shasha kat rumah bising , suker pekik-pekik ,
ruper nyerr kat skola kene pekik .."
hahahahz !
i was laughing non-stop ..
okay , thats all i guess ..
And i promise , pictures will be posted veru very soon okay?
hahahz , lyna is tired ...
Yes , tomorrow will be my fucked up day , i guess .
My dad will be meeting Vice Principal at 4.30pm .
All im thinking was , damn , confirm kene grounded .
hahahz .. nevermind lah ..
its just mid year ..
my stupid plan to escape , take 10 panadols to overdoze
and end up in the hospital was stopped by Mrs Ang .
she was really worried about me , somehow that
i'll do it , seriously ..
hahahz ..
foolish idea ..
See , just because i planned this ,
Assistant Form Teacher , Counsellor , VP was involved ..
kecoh kecoh ..
bla bla bla ..
confirm tomorrow , will be the most merepek day .
But its okay , enjoy!
Coz' its the last day of school babey!!
Just pray hard that Dad wont be so outrage seeing
my results that is soo , 'Walaoooooo"
hahahz .
Okay people ,
Happy holidays , take care ..
Study Hard , Study Smart !
Hahahz ,
Goodnight , Mimpi Manis!

Don't Leave Me Alone In This Lonely World ;
♥ Missin YOU @ 7:09 AM

My Tears ; My Broken Heart

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