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.Thursday, October 21, 2010 ' Y
Why Do You Abandon Me ?

its been ages since my last post.
and im sorry for not updating.
i cant even managed to squueze in time for blogger due to computer that crashed a month ago.
life has been really challenging for me.
love has made a real great impact that turned me into someone new.
i dint even realise that i lost so many things that i treasure for it.
so much of sacrifices and heartbreaks,
i earned nothing than a, heartbreak.
again and again.
ive tried to love.
and that's when i met you,
muhammad irfan bin rahmat.
the one that gave me the biggest impact in my life.
the one that thought me things i dont know.
that made me into a matured lady.
so many things ive learn even though it only took me 3 months to learnt so many stuffs.
the day i met you at your place for the very first time.
i already felt the completeness that ive yearned all this while.
you showered me with care and love that any girl wished.
your sacrifices was so much i ever asked from a guy.
your promises and words were too strong that you just caught me,
in love with you.
i was irrevocably in love with you.
after 2years of being single,
it feels so right to put you in my missing puzzle.
and the day you whispered in my ear,
"will you wanna be my girlfriend?"
my heart pounded fast because you melted me till i cant even speak but just afford to smile all by myself.
i felt that youre the most responsible guy for me.
you took care of me like im a baby in your eyes.
im proud to have a boyfriend like you.
and ive never felt this feeling even with my ex-dates or ex-lovers at all.
youre like one in a million.
and thats why i chose you.
i wouldnt ask for more.
i hold on to your promises that you said,
"i'll never leave you, no matter what happens"
and till now,
i still do.
but every shits are uncalled.
you dont know how much i love you.
that i will sacrifice anything just for you.
you are like my wings for me to fly.
youre like my sun for me to shine.
i know ive been a bad girlfriend.
and that im a changed shasha now in your eyes.
baby, im sorry.
i did stuffs that were just temptations i cant resist.
im sorry sayang.
i cant describe to you,
how i regretted :(
i know its my fault.
i know you deserve a better girl.
i believe someone will treat you way better than i did.
i know you'll never turn your cheek to me again.
i will miss your call, your voice, your text msges and our late night talk.
i will miss the kiss you'll give me on my forehead everytime i sulk or get sick.
i will miss you hugging me so tight when we dint even meet for only 2days.
i will miss everything about you, sayang.
i just want you to know that youve been the best sayang.
best i ever had :')
i will always love you and i'll wait for you for as long as it takes for you to come back to me.
by my side again.
i just wanna say,
that if you think that moving on with your life is the best move,
go ahead,
because even i'll get hurt,
it'll make me feel better that at least,
you are happy with it.
and im sorry if i cant be a girlfriend like how you want me to be.
and thanks for everything, baby.
thanks for your love and care.
i will wait for your call or text.
even it takes forever for me to get it.
i love you so fuckin much!!!!!!
but i know i got to let this a pass.
take care and goodbye sayang :'(

Don't Leave Me Alone In This Lonely World ;
♥ Missin YOU @ 1:32 AM

My Tears ; My Broken Heart

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