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.Monday, November 15, 2010 ' Y
Why Do You Abandon Me ?

i dont know if this is gonna be the last time im blogging about you, muhammad irfan.
everything's over now.
and thanks for waking me up from my dream.
thanks for showing how much you pretend to love me when you dont.
even nearly 3months being with you.
i swear,
ive never felt the ups and downs that im going through now because of you.
i was mistaken and blinded by love.
and being too naive,
i fell down.
and when i look up,
i see nobody up there to help me get up.
i fell in my own fantasy.
i cant explain and define how much i love you so much.
ive only wanted us to be like past-time.
where everything seemed perfect.
too perfect, that i myself cant believe the fact that i fell in love with you.
as time goes by,
you taught me alot.
how to be alone and independant.
not relying on others to stand up.
and as time pass by,
people change.
and so do you.
i wished i could adapt to your changes.
but im a human being.
and i got feelings for you to understand.
maybe ive been over-reacting because i love you so much.
i just want you to know that.
i felt so insecure.
because i just want you to be mine.
not even others.
i want to see myself in your heart. and only me that you love.
i want to feel what other cute couples feel.
but its just a dream now.
i always hope that it will come true.
but i just realised that you dont love me, at the very beginning.
i felt like a used doll now.
but i hope that ive made a wise decision.
and i hope youre happy with it.
thanks for everything again.

Don't Leave Me Alone In This Lonely World ;
♥ Missin YOU @ 1:45 AM

My Tears ; My Broken Heart

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GENIE,oh genie,come to me ! :D

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